Renew passport - it expires soon

Zoe Parker | 2023 Progress to Goal

Annual Goals

  • Weekly 1:1s with direct reports to discuss pipeline and lost deals
  • Schedule on site with top five customers with renewal dates in next two quarters
  • Fill open roles as quickly as possible (manager and reps)
  • Pipeline 2x monthly quota with 75+ % close probability
  • 90+ satisfaction score from Sales KO + Quarterly Sales Meetings
  • Attend sales pitch for deals over $100k

Weekly 1:1s with direct reports to discuss pipeline and lost deals

  • 🟢Q1 Ben struggled to keep pipeline as high as needed, was placed on a PIP for 30 days. By EOQ, keeping pipeline consistent.
  • 🟢 Q2 Worked closely with Nadine on lost deals to understand how we can improve her delivery and combat objections.

Schedule on site with top five customers with renewal dates in next two quarters

  • 🟢Verizon, Intel, Dropbox, Intuit, Trello
  • 🟢Hubspot, Wordpress, Zoom, Sage, Salesforce

Fill open roles as quickly as possible (manager and reps)

  • 🟡Narrowed down Sales Manager role to top 3 candidates. Hope to fill in the next 30 days.
  • 🟢Randall Pierce started on 3/1 and quickly came up to speed. His team is performing well.

Pipeline 2x monthly quota with 75+ % close probability

  • 🟡2x with 68% probability
  • 🟡 1.5x with 73% probability

90+ satisfaction score from Sales KO + Quarterly Sales Meetings

  • 🟢95% satisfaction. Great KO this year. Survey yielded interesting topics for mid-year meeting. Planning has begun.
  • 🟢91% satisfaction on Mid Year Meeting. Feedback is still coming in, then will begin planning the Q3 meeting.

Attend sales pitch for deals over $100k

  • 🟢Bank of America, Microsoft
  • 🟢Slack, BCBS, LinkedIn