Bette Adams | 2023 Progress to Goal

Quarterly Goals

  • Social - Post to Zoe's LinkedIn and Twitter 3x / week + interact with partner content.
  • Professional Development - 3x professional development opportunities / quarter + begin PACE certification by EOY
  • Identify two team needs that are within your control to address each quarter.
  • Maintain and manage budget and expenses for department.
  • Arrange all aspects of travel.

Q1 Progress to Goals

  • 🟢Social - Post to Zoe's LinkedIn and Twitter 3x / week + interact with partner content.
  • 🟡Professional Development - 3x professional development opportunities / quarter + begin PACE certification by EOY
  • Base Quarterly Summit
  • Read Leader Assistant and participated in book club
  • Have not looked at dates or classes for PACE
  • 🟢Identify two team needs that are within your control to address each quarter.
  • Marketing is working on Zoom backgrounds for the sales team.
  • Purchasing is researching ergonomic chairs.
  • 🟢Maintain and manage budget and expenses for department.
  • 🟡Arrange all aspects of travel.
  • No travel in Q1.